Hunter has become quite the story teller. He is telling Aunt Joane and Uncle Gordon a story about something and it was so funny because he was so serious.
Hunter loves the to hold Conner. But dropped him after I took the picture because he wanted to see the picture. So we have a few things to work on before the baby comes...
Makayla is my little artist and made this bird out of playdough.
This is their boat they were in it all the time.
This is the derby, I should have took some pictures before it got dark.
We extending our trip because Jarred's Grandpa Soelberg passed away while we were down there. He was such sweet old man but we are so glad he in a better place. He had Altimzers and it was so sad to see him like that. We were glad that we could attend his funeral. We are glad to be home. We will not be taking any more trips to Utah because everytime we do it seems someone dies. At least Until after Christmas>>>>>>