Thursday, February 26, 2009

No More Binky! Potty training next.....

We finally took away his Binky! We have been really procrastinating this but decided that we should have it done before the baby comes. He has gone two days with out it and hasn't found one yet! He has sleep two night without it but nap time did not go well yesterday! He kept asking for his Binky and I didn't give in even though I was so tired! So no nap! I am hopping he will take one today because he looks so tired today. Next is potty training! End of August is our deadline for that! One in diapers would be nice!


The Royal Family said...

just took it away and that was that huh? we have been debating this action with Adlanna... however I think once the baby comes she will revert and start wanting hte binky again,... i dont want to fight about this twice... *Shrug* potty training would be nice... 1 in diapers... good luck, I hope I can get this accomplished before sep. too!

Noonan Family said...

Did you just go cold turkey? I think Lucy still has a binky, because it makes my life so much easier. So do you have any hints for a first timer?

Liz Prisbrey said...

How old is he?? He is older then Claire, right? Oh, I really hope so because I am so not ready to take her bink away. I need that thing more then she does, I think.

Josh and Emily Mason said...

Way to go! I remember the challenge with Ben. Luckily Claire is a thumb sucker. . . or un-luckily. . . we will find out! She's good though-- she only sucks her thumb when she's in bed.

Peay Family said...

You are brave. I took Ollie's binky away a couple of weeks ago, but only during the day. I still give it to him for naps and bedtime. Face it, I'm just a wimp.

Cindy said...

Chloe keeps taking off her diaper and leaving disgusting trails. I've tried potty training last week, but I don't have the patience. She isn't ready yet, but on the right track, I hope. As far as the pacifier, I need her to take naps so she still has one for naps and bedtime. I think when Sariah starts school I will crack down or make Israel do it when he has four days off straight :)